
My name is Artem Gilmudinov. 31 years old. Currently live in London.

Kazan State University. September 2009 - June 2014

My speciality is called "Automated data processing and control systems".
My thesis was about email classification algorithms. The goal was to compare k-NN, SVM, Naive Bayes algorithms and find the best of them to solve email classification problem.
Also I fell in love with competitive programming spending many hours on Codeforces, TopCoder, etc. My Codeforces profile.

Technology LLC. July 2014 - June 2016

The company developes software for taxi aggregator Maxim.
At the start I was working on an internal GIS system's web interface and backend.
Technologies used:

An year after I switched to Android development and was doing mobile applications for taxi ordering called Maxim and Taxsee
Technologies used:

Yandex Mobile Development School. July 2016 - September 2016

After Technology LLC I was participating at Yandex Mobile Development School.
Here I first tried such technologies like RxJava, Dagger2, Teamcity.

Yandex LLC. November 2016 - July 2021

I worked at Yandex on Yandex.Maps Android app.

The things I did at Yandex can be divided mostly in three parts: UI tasks, infrastructure tasks, app perfomance.

The biggest UI tasks I worked on:

The biggest infrastructure tasks I worked on: The biggest app perfomance tasks I worked on: Technologies used:

Google UK. January 2022 - now

At the moment I work at Google, London, UK as an Android software engineer. The team I work at is responsible for the infrastructure part of an Android application called Android System Intelligence. The application provides set of features powered by ML with a private on-device data processing. For example subtitles for videos, recognizing text on screenshots, recognizing music, etc. Our team does releases, looks after the system health and provides the core functionality for the application.

My responsibilities include:

The technology stack mostly consists of internal Google frameworks. So I will mention here only technologies available outside of the company:


Since August 2018 I am doing my own project called Vlesenku in my spare time. It is about online sport contests (pushups, pullups, squats, etc).
The project includes mobile development, backend development, video processing, databases, web servers.
For this project I picked React Native since I have some JS experience. So it allowed me to write a multiplatform application (both iOS and Android).

Technologies used:


Codeforces, Github, LinkedIn